

I am so excited!  I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by a blogger whom I truly admire.  His name is Simon Lenthen at:  I am so honored to be within the many amazing individuals who have received this award before me.  I could never thank Simon enough for thinking of me for this recognition.

I apologize to Simon for being so late on finishing my task for this kind award.  No excuses here.

The Rules:

Thank the blogger who dominated you and link back to their blog.

Place a Liebster Award that you like and place it here and on your blog.

Answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you.

Nominate other bloggers.

Give those bloggers 11 questions to answer and let them know they have been nominated.

Simon’s Questions:

1.  What book has been on your shelf for ages but you haven’t actually gotten around to reading?  A Hundred and One Days by Asne Seierstad.

2.  Which one:  Pen, quill, pencil, typewriter, computer, none of the above?  Why?

If I’m feeling particularly creative and am writing for myself, without any rush, I love to use my favorite purple pen.  But if it is for the blog or my nonprofit, it is usually in a hurry and I can write faster on the computer.

3.  Favorite book to film adaptation and why.

Lord of the Rings!  I loved the book and I loved the movie.  In the movie, the landscape and village was magical, even more beautiful than I imagined them.

4.  Who is your favorite literary sidekick and why?

One of my favorite books is The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha.  Don Quixote was an avid reader of mostly romance novels.  He decides that chivalry is dead and goes on adventures to bring it back. His sidekick was a neighbor and a poor farmer.  His name was Sancho Panza.  He brought some funny and witty statements about Quixote’s fixation on knighthood.

5.  What was the last book you read not for school? Like Water for Chocolate  1989
by Laura Esquivel.

6.  If you met an author and couldn’t say or do anything but cry, who would that author be?  That would  probably be Pema Chodron, the author of When Things Fall Apart – Heart advice for difficult times.  This book taught me so much about kindness, compassion and love.

7.  Are you into fan fiction?  If so, what’s your favorite fan fiction?  No.

8.  Do you read the books other people recommend to you or are you the kind of person who likes to find your own books?  I will listen to their advice, but will find out more about it before I read it.

9.  Tea or coffee?  Or neither?  I am banned from both due to my health problems, but before that I drank tea all the time.  I do cheat at times.  It really isn’t worth it.

10. If you could change anything about one book, what would it be?  Coma by Robin Cook.  I would not want to change anything about the book, but I do wish that it would have given our society and those in the medical field would have been more aware of Cook’s warning.  He had been watching as the trend for transplants for desperate patients was increasing.  Now, the problem has doubled and tripled.

11. Who was your biggest literary crush? Do you still secretly love him/her and wish he/she was real? No crush.

Nominate other bloggers.

1.  Daily Musings at:

2. Chris at:

3.  Vinod Narayan at:

4.  Susan Kelly at:

5.  Random Musings at:

Questions for Nominees:

1.  When was the first time you knew that you wanted to write?

2.  What do you like most about blogging?

3.  Where is the most wonderful place you have ever visited?

4.  Would you rather have a home cooked meal or go out to dinner?

5.  What is the one thing that you have always wanted to do, but have never done?

6.  Do you have a favorite pen to write with?

7.  If you could change one thing for children in the world, what would it be?

8.  What is your favorite hobby?

9.  What is one special memory from your childhood?

10. Did you have a favorite teacher?

11. Do you have a pet?  If so, what makes him/her so special to you?


  4 comments for “THE LIEBSTER AWARD

  1. June 21, 2015 at 1:24 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS PATTY and MANY THANKS for nominating my blog 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. June 21, 2015 at 1:46 pm

    Congrats to you and thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

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